Tonight' Boys Basketball Game vs Danville: For those planning to attend tonight's home boys basketball games vs Danville, please plan to enter the school through the Athletic Event Entrance, and/or the backdoors by the auditorium. All other doors to the school will be locked.
about 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Here is this weeks athletic schedule: Monday 12/13: HS bowling vs East Knox at Colonial Lanes - 5pm Tuesday 12/14: HS bowling vs Ridgedale at Cooper Lanes - 4pm HS boys basketball vs Danville - 4:30pm (FR/JV/V) Wednesday 12/15: HS girls basketball vs Danville - 6pm (Varsity Only) Thursday 12/16: MS boys basketball at Danville - 5pm (Elementary Gym) MS girls basketball vs Danville - 5pm (7th Grade Only) Friday 12/17: HS boys basketball at Northmor - 4:30pm (FR/JV/V) Saturday 12/18: MS wrestling at River Valley - 9am MS girls basketball at Northmor - 9am MS boys basketball vs Northmor - 9am HS wrestling at West Muskingum - 10am HS bowling at Pioneer Baker Tourney at The Palace - 12pm HS girls basketball at Northmor - 1pm (Varsity Only)
about 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Congratulations to our winners of the door decorating contest! Ms. Kletrovetz and Ms. Young!
about 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Ms. Kletrovetz and Ms. Young
MS/HS Countdown to Christmas Break - Spirit Week!
about 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Here is ticket information for those planning to attend the MS wrestling tournament on Saturday 12/11 at North Union. Admission: $7 Adults / $5 Students / $5 Senior Citizens / (only OHSAA passes accepted) - All tickets will be sold digitally. Tickets can also be purchased at the gate using a credit card. The link to ticket sales is provided:
about 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
For those planning to attend the HS wrestling tournament at Big Walnut on Saturday 12/11, all tickets must be purchased online at . All tickets are $7. No tickets will be sold at the gate.
about 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
From the Athletic Department: Tomorrow's freshman boys basketball game at Cardington has been canceled. The JV game will start at 6pm, and varsity will follow. The JV and varsity games will both be streamed at . The fee is $11.99.
about 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Here is the athletic schedule for next week! Tuesday 12/7: HS bowling at Cardington at Morrow Lanes - 4pm HS boys basketball at Cardington - 4;30pm (FR/JV/V) Wednesday 12/8: HS girls basketball at Cardington - 6pm (Varsity Only) Thursday 12/9: MS girls basketball at Cardington - 5pm (Played at Elementary School) MS boys basketball vs Cardington - 5pm Friday 12/10: HS bowling at Mt Gilead at Morrow Lanes - 4pm HS boys basketball vs Mt Gilead - 6pm Saturday 12/11: HS wrestling at Big Walnut - 9am MS boys basketball at Mt Gilead - 9am (Played at HS gym) MS girls basketball vs Mt Gilead - 9am MS wrestling at North Union - 10am Frosh boys basketball at Berne Union - 11am HS girls basketball vs Mt Gilead - 1pm (Varsity Only)
about 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Congratulations to our 2021/22 Centerburg Spelling Bee Champs: 5th: Audrey Carlisle champion and alternate is Marybeth Vines 6th: Maci Retherford champion and alternate is Liza Clayton 7th: Logan Brison champion and alternate is Anique DiLorenzo 8th: Ally Wilhelm champion and alternate is Taylor Bryant
about 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
The Middle/High School will be collecting new hats/gloves for the Interchurch. Please bring items to the office Dec. 6-14. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Centerburg FFA Announcement:
about 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
FFA Announcement
Ski Club Update Club passes are now sold out. You are no longer able to purchase a pass at the group rate. However, if you still want to purchase a season pass you are more than welcome, you will just have to pay full price. I have attached the link to purchase a season pass. Students, if you plan on coming on Tuesday's with us, I would recommend the Silver Select Pass. If you plan on coming with us, but also going on your own, I would recommend the Standard Pass. Community members, I would recommend either the Silver Select or the Standard Pass depending on how often you plan on going. There is no once a week option for a normal season pass. If you purchase a pass now, you will not have to use the club code or the promo code, so we will not be able to track your pass purchase. Please email Mrs. Miller ( or Mrs. Barnard ( if you purchase a pass and plan on joining us on Tuesdays. Please see either of us if you have any questions.
about 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
MS/HS Picture Retake Day is next Wednesday, 12/8. Below is the form if needed.
about 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
The start time of the MS boys basketball games that we are scheduled to host on Thursday 12/2 vs East Knox have been pushed back. The 7th grade game will now start at 5:30pm.
about 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
A message from the athletic department: Here is information we received over the weekend from Worthington Christian regarding Thursday's games. The freshman game is scheduled to start at 4:30pm and the JV and varsity will follow accordingly. All tickets must be purchased online. Our address is 1485 Lazelle Road, Westerville, OH 4301. Tickets are sold online only. Here is the link to our ticket site where they can be purchased. Tickets are available for purchase on the site as of now. We will be streaming all three games via our athletic YouTube channel. Here is the link.
about 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Athletic schedules for the upcoming week! Wednesday 12/1:  HS girls basketball at East Knox - 6pm (Varsity Only) Thursday 12/2: HS boys basketball at Worthington Christian - 4:30pm (FR/JV/V) MS girls basketball at East Knox - 5pm MS boys basketball vs East Knox - 5pm Saturday 12/4:  HS girls basketball at Ridgedale - 12pm (Varsity Only) Hosting a MS wrestling tournament - 9am 
about 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
A message from the athletic department: Doors will open at 4pm for tonight's home boys basketball game vs Mt. Vernon. We will be selling tickets at both the front entrance of the school and the athletic event entrance. All other doors to the school will be locked.
about 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Centerburg Ski Club Members and Community Members! If you have not yet purchased your ski pass, Snow Trails is cutting off club passes when the quantity runs out. Purchase your pass ASAP to ensure the club price, otherwise you will be paying full price for passes. See the message below. Club Pass Sales Will End This Pre-Season With an increased interest in the value of Seasonal Clubs and the fun of Skiing and Snowboarding here with us, we are nearing the maximum quantity of Club Passes available this Season to continue offering the best experiences. We will keep Club Passes available for purchase until the limited quantity left is sold-out. Passes are only available on a first-come first-serve basis. Upgrades from Once A Week to Everyday Passes are not available. Buy Now>>
about 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Centerburg Schools will be on Thanksgiving break Nov. 24-29. School will resume Tuesday, Nov. 30. Wishing you a safe, relaxing, and happy Thanksgiving!
about 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Monday Night Coaches Roundtable featuring our very own, HS boys coach, John Marhefka. Tune in!
about 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Boys Basketball Coach Interview