Tuesday 9/7: MS Golf vs Fredericktown/Highland/Worthington Christian at Village View - 4:30pm Fr/JV/V Volleyball vs Danville - 4:30pm MS/HS Cross Country at Fairbanks - 5pm HS Boys Golf vs Northmor at Twin Lakes - 5pm Wednesday 9/8: HS Girls Golf vs Licking Valley at Wyandot - 4:30pm MS Volleyball vs Mt Gilead - 5pm Thursday 9/9: HS Girls Golf vs Clear Fork at Little Apple - 3:15pm MS Football vs Northmor - 5pm JV/V Volleyball at Northmor - 5:30pm Friday 9/10: HS Football at East Knox - 7pm Saturday 9/11: HS Boys Golf at Turnberry - 8am JV/V Volleyball(QUAD) at Pick North - TBD MS Volleyball(QUAD) at River Valley - 9am JV Football vs East Knox - 10am HS Girls Golf KMAC at Little Apple - 11am JV Boys Golf at Turnberry - 2pm
over 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Due to a quarantine order we received this morning from Knox Public Health, our varsity football game scheduled for Friday September 3rd at Worthington Christian has been cancelled. Any additional information regarding this game will be communicated ASAP. In addition, our home JV football game scheduled for Saturday September 4th vs Fredericktown has been cancelled.
over 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Today's MS Golf Match has been canceled.
over 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Athletic Schedule for this week! Tuesday 8/31: MS Golf vs Worthington Christian/Highland at Village View - 4:30pm Fr/JV/V Volleyball at Cardington - 4:30pm Wednesday 9/1: HS Boys Golf at KMAC #2 at Apple Valley - 12:30pm (Make Up from 8/25) HS Girls Golf vs Northmor/Highland/Elgin at Wyandot - 4:30pm Thursday 9/2: HS Boys Golf at East KNox at Apple Valley - 4pm HS Girls Golf at Fredericktown at Hiawatha - 4pm Frosh Volleyball vs Mt Vernon - 4:30pm JV/V Volleyball vs Mt Gilead - 5:30pm Friday 9/3: V Football at Worthington Christian - 7pm Saturday 9/4: MS/HS Cross Country at Highland - 9am JV Football vs Fredericktown - 10am
over 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
over 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Attention Class of 2022! Information about the senior trip to New York will be emailed to your Centerburg school email account on Monday August 30. If you would like it sent to another address, please email hannah.lozier@centerburgschools.org. This information will also be available on paper, you can either stop by room 205 or email Ms. Lozier to arrange pick up.
over 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Information regarding today's cross country meet at New Albany. https://bauerashley1.wixsite.com/nacc
over 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Tickets for tonights MS game at Grandview Heights MUST be purchased online prior to the game. Tickets will not be sold at the gate. https://ghathletics.org/event-tickets Go Trojans!
over 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
MS/HS Volleyball Update: Effective today 8/20, East Knox Local Schools have implemented a Mask Mandate due to a COVID outbreak. With our HS and MS teams scheduled to play at their place on Tuesday 8/24 and Wednesday 8/25 respectively, anyone planning to attend the matches must adhere to their policies. This means that if you plan to attend, you must wear a mask or you will not be allowed to enter. Any changes to their policy will be communicated ASAP.
over 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Here are the schedules for next week. Let me know if you have any questions. Monday 8/23: HS Boys Golf vs East Knox at Wyandot - 4pm MS/HS Cross Country at New Albany - 5pm MS Football at Grandview - 6pm Tuesday 8/24: MS Golf vs Mt Vernon/Highland/Johnstown - 4pm HS Girls Golf vs Licking Valley/Fredericktown at Virtues - 4:30pm FR/JV/V Volleyball at East Knox - 4:30pm Wednesday 8/25: HS Boys Golf KMAC #2 at Apple Valley - 11:30am HS Girls Golf vs Clear Fork/Buckeye Valley/Big Walnut - 4pm FR/JV/V Volleyball vs Cols Whetstone - 4:30pm MS Volleyball at East Knox - 5pm Thursday 8/26: HS Boys Golf vs Mt Gilead at Bent Tree - 4pm Friday 8/27: Varsity Football vs Grandview Heights - 7pm Saturday 8/28: HS Girls Golf at Fredericktown Invite at Hiawatha - 8:30am MS/HS Cross Country at Buckeye Valley - 9am JV Football at Elgin - 10am MS Volleyball at Northridge - 10am
over 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Volleyball Update: All home MS/HS volleyball matches will be played in the HS gym. Everyone is advised to enter through the Event Entrance as all other doors will be locked. MS/Sub Varsity Admission Prices: Adults: $5 - Seniors/Students: $3 Varsity Admission Prices: Adults: $7 - Seniors/Students: $5 Concessions will be available. Go Lady Trojans!
over 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Here are a few details for tomorrow's home football game vs Utica. Gates will open at 5:45pm Admission: Adults: $7 - Seniors/Students: $5 Colt Football/MS Football Night: We recognize the colt football teams, colt cheerleaders, MS football team, and MS cheerleaders prior to kickoff. Introductions will begin at approximately 6:20pm. Kickoff: 7pm The game will be live streamed (free of charge) via the OH Report on their Youtube channel and FaceBook page. Go Trojans!
over 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Today's MS golf match vs. Granville at Echo Springs has been canceled.
over 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
JV football game at Utica on Saturday 8/21. All tickets must be purchased online. No tickets will be sold at the gate. https://www.northfork.k12.oh.us/Tickets.aspx
over 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
MS/HS Back to School: 6th grade orientation is today at 2pm and 6pm Open House for all grades is 6-8pm.
over 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Attention Business Owners - If you are contacted by anyone that claims to represent the School District asking for support, please call us first. School groups such as the Music Boosters, PTO, Athletic Boosters or school clubs are authorized to use the school name. The district is not in partnership with any other business interests for fundraising. Unfortunately we have gotten information that there are unethical groups calling businesses claiming to be representing us. If it seems unusual, please get their name and contact information and then let the school know. We very much value all the support from the community and businesses and want to be sure to help protect our community from these types of people.
over 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Monday 8/16: Varsity boys golf at Cols Academy Invite at Cols Country Club - 12pm MS football scrimmage vs Crestview - 5:30pm Tuesday 8/17: MS golf at Granville at Echo Springs - 4pm Wednesday 8/18: Varsity girls golf vs Fredericktown at Wyandot - 4pm Thursday 8/19: Varsity girls golf at Elgin at Green Acres - 4pm Varsity boys golf at Fredericktown at Hiawatha - 4pm Fr/JV/V volleyball vs Big Walnut - 5pm Friday 8/20: Varsity football vs Utica - 7pm Saturday 8/21: MS/Frosh volleyball vs Buckeye Valley - 9am JV football at Utica - 10am
over 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Welcome to the 2021/22 School Year!!!!! Below is an updated office staff list for the district (This does not include all staff): Elementary: tiffany.hall@centerburgschools.org (Admin Asst. Elem. office) susan.osborne@centerburgschools.org (EMIS Coordinator, Elem. office) miguel.thompson@centerburgschools.org (Elem. Principal) attendance.el@centerburgschools.org (*NEW* You can email an absence note and call your child off all in one!) Middle/High School jennifer.love@centerburgschools.org (Guidance Secretary MS/HS) kristi.adams@centerburgschools.org (Admin. Asst. MS/HS) attendance.ms.hs@centerburgschools.org (Attendance email) john.morgan@centerburgschools.org (MS Principal) ryan.gallwitz@centerburgschools.org (HS Principal) carey.ballinger@centerburgschools.or (HS Guidance Counselor) rich.porter@centerburgschools.org (Athletic Director) Superintendent's Office: christine.clark@centerburgschools.org (Admin. Asst.) mike.hebenthal@centerburgschools.org (Superintendent) randy.bradford@centerburgschools.org (Transportation) barb.gentille@centerburgschools.org (Director of Teaching and Learning) kim.schaller@centerburgschool.org ( District School Nurse)
over 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Fall Sports Passes will go on sale on Monday August 16th. They can be purchased during the hours of 9am to 3pm at the high school office. Pricing is as follows: Student: $50 Adult: $60 Family: $160 Passes are good for any home fall athletic events only. These passes cannot be used for away athletic events.
over 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Knox County Career Center Transportation Info: Below are the tentative bus times... AM: Rich Hill (Bloomfield & Rich Hill) 7AM Post Office 7:08AM High School (Wellness Center) 7:15AM Mt. Liberty (old store) 7:25AM Bangs (old restaurant) 7:30AM PM Times: Bangs 2:40PM Mt. Liberty 2:45PM Post Office 2:50PM HS (to grab busses home) 2:55PM *Busses home from the HS will not begin until school starts here on Wednesday. So if your child starts on Monday and comes to the HS, they will need to be picked up! If you have any questions, please email Randy Bradford @ randy.bradford@centerburgschools.org
over 3 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School