There was an electrical fire at the Elementary school that has caused damage. Thankfully no one was injured in the fire. We are still assessing the damage and starting to clean up. There will be no school on Monday, May 22nd for Elementary Students. MS/HS will still have school. Bus pick up and drop off for MS/HS students will be off by about 10 minutes, since no Elementary students will be riding. Thank you to the fire departments that responded so quickly!
over 1 year ago, Miguel Thompson
The middle/ high school staff would like to thank the Centerburg PTO, the Church of Christ, and the OSA members for all of their sweet treats this past week for Teachers Appreciation Week! We appreciate YOU ♥️
over 1 year ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Girls Softball will begin their playoff journey tonight at home vs Northmor starting at 5:00pm. Friendly reminder since it's an OHSAA Playoffs event, there will be admission charged for the game and tickets are available online. Softball - Division III - Region 12 - Central 1 Go Trojans!
over 1 year ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
In collaboration with Knox Community Health, we will be having a physical day for MS/HS student-athletes at NO cost on Saturday, May 20th from 8:00am to 12:30pm in the Middle School Gym. These Physicals are for upcoming 7th-12th graders, who plan to participate on a Centerburg High School or Middle School Athletic team. Sign ups are on first come, first serve basis. Please email our school’s athletic trainer, Phaedra, at to reserve your time slot (8:00am-12:30pm). Sign ups begin today and up until 7:00 pm on May 18th. The day of the physical, please have a physical copy of the current PPE Form for the 2023-24 school year with pages 1-4 & 7-12 completed before your scheduled appointment. Feel free to swing by the front office if you need a copy. Jonny Henesy, Athletic Director
over 1 year ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
The Centerburg Volleyball 2023 Shop is now open! OUR SHOP DETAILS - Shop Now:
over 1 year ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Congratulations to the March Students of the Month for the MS/HS: Alaina Clark, Eli Indiciani, Ryder Copley, Adam Wade, Briauna Beaver, Ryder Scott, and Autumn Kennedy. Also, Congratulations to Ms. Bollinger for Staff Member of the Month!
over 1 year ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Centerburg Football Youth Summer Camp!
over 1 year ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Centerburg Cheerleading Youth Summer Camp!
over 1 year ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
John Geiger will be participating in the Annual Ohio North/South Football All-Star Game this weekend in Massillon, OH. He will be playing in the Div. 4-7 Game which will be played at Massillon Washington HS at 4pm this Saturday. Tickets are $10. Best of Luck!!!
over 1 year ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Senior Edition of the Trojan Crier! Please see the attached form to purchase ads!
over 1 year ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Please see the attached flier for information regarding summer immunizations through Knox Public Health.
over 1 year ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Congratulations to the staff and contributors of the Trojan Crier for earning the designation of All Ohio in the overall publications contest Friday at the Ohio Scholastic Media Association state convention at Kent State University. This is the highest award given in the state and reflects excellent work in coverage, writing, photography, artwork, design, and leadership. Journalism students also earned a total of 35 individual awards this past weekend, including five superiors: one earned by Ali Crouse for editorial page layout, two by Cameron Arter for non-editorial art and ad design, one by Ella Neighborgall for a personality profile, and one by Maddie Donabauer for a general feature. Congratulations to all!
almost 2 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
North Central State College will be offering the Accuplacer for any student who would like to qualify for CCP classes next year. How do you sign up? Fill out the GOOGLE FORM You must do 2 things: 1) Apply to NCSC 2) Notify us through the Google Form so that we can plan for your test. **Walk-ins are not permitted. Please plan accordingly. Please email Mrs. Ballinger with any questions.
almost 2 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
On Friday April 21st from 9-11am we will host an immunization clinic brought to us by the Knox County Health Department for students needing their Tdap and/or Meningococcal vaccines. These vaccinations are the 2 required for 7th grade and a second meningococcal vaccine is required for 12th grade students. If your child has not received these vaccines and you would like to have them given at the school during this clinic, please contact the school nurse to obtain forms needed. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to call or email. Thank you, Kim Schaller,RN BSN District School Nurse 740-625-6055 extension 2303
almost 2 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Raise Craze Middle School Update! We passed our goal of $2,500!!! Congratulations to the following MS students... The Top 8 $$ Winners - Caleb Adams Colt Sammons Jaelynn Caldwell Emily McCormick Ella Lawrence Noah Murphy Lillie Quick Myla Mowry Top 8 AOK Winners - Meredith Lahmer Aidan Lord Molly Henry Matthew Cole Graham Smith Alex Holden *a winner in both categories! Tesla Blankenship Taylor Frye Kona Ice Winners - 7th Grade
almost 2 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Parents of Gifted-Identified 9th, 10th, & 11th Grade Students: A friendly reminder to RSVP if you are interested in information about Summer Academic Camp Scholarship. PARENT INFORMATIONAL MEETING Tuesday, March 28, 2023 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM MVCSD Boardroom: 300 Newark Rd, Mt Vernon, OH 43050 CLICK HERE TO RSVP ONLINE If you cannot RSVP online, please call 740-393-6767 Even if you cannot attend, please RSVP so we can send the application and further information to you.
almost 2 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Attached is information regarding the Raise Craze Fundraiser that the elementary and MS students are currently participating in via the Elementary PTO! All money raised goes towards incentives for our students.
almost 2 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Middle/High School Families - Please be on the lookout for an upcoming school climate survey. The School Climate Survey is an anonymous survey used to identify school climate issues within our school. Parents will be asked to complete a survey next week. The survey will be sent through final forms to all families of middle and high school students. We ask that you please take a few minutes to complete the survey in an attempt to better understand areas of strength and areas of need so that we can work towards the best possible positive school climate for all families, students and staff. Students and staff will also be asked to complete a survey in the next couple of weeks. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
almost 2 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Centerburg Community, Thank you for all of your strawberry support. Spanish Club, the students traveling to Spain, and the Sophomore class raised about $1,500 combined. That's a lot of berries! We appreciate your support - Ms. Fleming, Ms. Kletrovetz, and Mrs. Barnard.
almost 2 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School
Congratulations to the February Students of the Month - Colt Sammons, Afton Ellis, Peyton Whitt, Blane Ball, TJ Collier, Riley Skillman, & Zach Sigwarth! Also, Congratulations to Mrs. Weade for Staff Member of the Month!
almost 2 years ago, Centerburg Middle/High School